Good things happen when people care

Published 2:54 pm Friday, June 25, 2010

Coming off my little three day getaway at a mountain cabin, I felt like a new man, there wasnt anything but me, nature and a higher power. Thanks for your prayers; they were most certainly felt.&bsp; Inevitably, there were a few messages upon my return. A thank you letter and some phone calls and all were pretty much resolved, save one which this tale will be about.

The message came from some good people who work with Thermal Belt Outreach.&bsp; Id dealt with people who work with this great organization before and knew that they were not prone to exaggeration, so my interest was piqued.

It simply said theres a lady theyre working with who has a Boxer thats in trouble and she needs help.&bsp; It was fairly late, but I called and left a message to call me anytime and leave a message if I couldnt be reached. &bsp;

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It was four oclock the next afternoon when we finally connected. Ill be withholding names because I dont wish the poor lady involved to have any more troubles than she already has. &bsp;

I was told that she was given a Boxer by some relative who couldnt keep him and hes been in a 10 by 10 outside pen ever since. Theyd learned that hed been there for three years and the lady in question sometimes forgot to give him water.&bsp; The Thermal Belt Outreach folks were checking on him daily and seeing that the dog had what he needed and they convinced the lady to turn him over to me if I promised hed be cared for. &bsp;

We agreed to meet up the next morning at the Mountain Bank in Columbus and Id be led there.&bsp; The&bsp; fact that he was there for three years shook me, but also told me he was at least receiving a modicum of care. My concern was not only of disease, but also his mental state.

The next morning before meeting up, I headed to Landrum vet to inform them I may be bringing them a Boxer later that day. No problem, Dr. Raines told me, what do you need?&bsp; I explained the situation and said Id like the Boxer tested and treated for whatever he needs and to board him until hes well and that hed probably need to be neutered also. Please give the bill to me, I went on, Ill handle this through my personal account.&bsp; Donna smiled, Okay Lennie.&bsp; I then went to inform F.H.S, that Ill have another dog under my care at Landrum vet if and when I bring him to the shelter for adoption. My reply was just smiles all around, Welcome back Lennie.

After meeting and greeting these wonderful, caring folks from Thermal Belt Outreach, I was led to meet Bowser.&bsp; Before meeting him, we spoke with the poor owner who was clearly trying her best, but lets just say that life has overwhelmed her. &bsp;

The Thermal Belt Outreach folks were doing what they could to help her and I assured her that I would do the same for Bowser. When we finally got to his pen, I received the warmest greeting form a beautiful brindle Boxer who we figure is 3 to 4 years old. In a short while, my fears of his mental state quickly dissolved. Bowser was a typical loving Boxer who relished attention. I pulled out my leash and we took a walk. Afterwards, while we finalized his transfer to me, he plastered himself to my side as we spoke. It was his way of saying, Ill take this one.&bsp; There werent any papers for Bowser though she promised shed look, is seems this boy would be beginning his new life from scratch.

Bowser is now at Landrum vet where he is a big hit, hes hard not to love.&bsp; My initial fears have been confirmed though, he has hook and whip worms which are already being treated.&bsp; He is due to be neutered and afterward hell begin treatment on his heartworm, for he is high heartworm positive. All other signs show a young and healthy dog and because of this, expectations are high that hell pull through just fine.

This boy here is going to be a wonderful companion to some lucky family. My heart literally beats with excitement as I dream of him experiencing a whole new world. In the meantime, he is mine and I intend to visit often and give him all the love I can spare.

Thanks for listening.