District 38 GOP hopefuls get support for run-off

Published 6:36 pm Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Both remaining Republican candidates for S.C. House District 38 received a bit of extra support heading into Tuesdays run-off election.

Incumbent Joey Millwood received aid – if not an endorsement — from GOP gubernatorial front-runner Nikki Haley, who was to campaign with Millwood this past Saturday. Lake Bowen businessman John Moore, the odd-man-out in the recent Republican primary, endorsed former opponent Doug Brannon of Landrum.

Haley has not made any official endorsements, but called Millwood a great friend.

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Joey Millwood has been a great friend, both to me and to the taxpayers of South Carolina since his first day in Columbia, said Haley through a released statement. He is a true reformer who will never back down from his conservative principles.

Brannon, who sought out Moores endorsement soon after the June 8 primary votes were counted, received 36 percent of the vote in the primary, just one percentage point behind Millwoods 37 percent.

Im very pleased, honored and humbled by Johns endorsement, Brannon said. The one thing Ive repeatedly said is that I came out of this campaign with a new friend, and thats John Moore Hes a fine young man.

Brannon said he and Moore were more closely aligned on most key issues than himself and Millwood have been. Moore carried his home Lake Bowen precinct, and Moore is hoping those same voters will support him in the run-off.

Haley and Millwood were to campaign together Saturday evening at Nodines Restaurant on Highway 176 near Campobello. Brannon said he doesnt think Haley and Millwood appearing together on a campaign stop will affect the outcome of the election.

I did well in Landrum, Campobello and Gramling, but so did Ms. Haley, Brannon said. The people were able to vote for me in those precincts and vote for her. I dont think the fact that shes winking and nodding at Joey Millwood is going to change those voters minds.

Polls for the run-off election will be open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Local polls include Landrum United Methodist Church, Gramling United Methodist, Motlow Creek Baptist and Landrum High School. Only voters who voted in the Republican primary or registered voters who did not vote in either June 8 primary election are eligible to vote in the run-off election.

While there are no Democratic contests in this run-off election, five statewide GOP elections, including governor and lieutenant governor, in addition to the District 38 seat will be decided.

In the gubernatorial runoff, Nikki Haley faces U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett; for Lt. Governor, Ken Ard faces Bill Connor.

Incumbent Bob Inglis faces a challenge from solicitor Trey Gowdy for U.S. House District 4.

Leighton Lord and Alan Wilson are vying to run for the office of states attorney general, and Elizabeth Moffly and Mick Zais are in the GOP run-off for state superintendent of education.

Winners of the run-off election will move on to the statewide general election on November 2.