Charles Cecil in a word, class
Published 8:26 pm Wednesday, June 9, 2010
To the Editor:
Like his wife, Alice, the passing of Charles Cecil represents a monumental loss that goes far, far beyond just his simply leaving this earthly coil.
Many know that Charlie was a dyed-in-the-wool Rotarian who could properly be referred to as Mr. Rotarian.
Charlie promoted – and more importantly – practiced Rotarys credo in everything he did: The Four-Way Test . Is it the Truth?&bsp; Is it Fair to All Concerned?&bsp; Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
Charlie also personified the true Southern Country Gentleman. In a single word: Class! &bsp;
Also like Alice, he was a singular, classic model of the very best of all thats good and excellent in human character.
Those who knew him loved and respected him. Those who didnt know him missed the opportunity of a lifetime to witness conspicuous and genuine good citizenship in action.
Bill Wuehrmann