GOP building comes down

Published 4:38 pm Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The GOP headquarter building was demolished yesterday to make room for a new and improved meeting place for Polk County Republicans.
The building was demolished following the roof collapsing last December. The building was condemned and has been waiting to be demolished since.
Polk Republican Party Chair Cheryl Every has said that since the lot was not able to be sold, plans are to construct a new building on the same lot, but farther back on the property to allow for more parking.
GOP officials had offered the lot to the Town of Columbus earlier this year at a price of $150,000 so the town could use the lot for public parking. Columbus declined, saying it couldnt afford the lot and is working with business owners to help alleviate its parking issues downtown.
Every has also said plans are for the new building to be constructed of steel, so construction will not take very long.
Plans are for the new building to be completed prior to this Novembers election.
Every says the new building will be very attractive and although it will be constructed of steel, the front fascade will be consistent with other new buildings in Columbus.
GOP officials since the condemnation of the building have been holding meetings elsewhere. They have used the Polk County Courthouse and met at Calverts Kitchen as well as other locations.
Heavy snow weighted down the roof just prior to Christmas last year and the roof collapsed inside the building.
The building has been used by the Republican Headquarters for many years, but was originally constructed in the 1950-1960 era as the Columbus Post Office.

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