Two gullible women
Published 1:39 pm Tuesday, March 30, 2010
To the Editor:
Upon reading Janet Sciaccas letter in the March 8 TDB, I must admit we both appear to be quite gullible. I am guilty of believing in a friend and trusted neighbor even as she has believed&bsp; in a friend and trusted co-worker. Where did we go wrong?
I, in believing the subject property owner, who incidentally is Polk Countys Director of Economic Development, would act as promised.selective removal of diseased trees to protect his home and improve his view.
She, in believing her friend and co-worker would create a garden where beautiful shrubs, flowers, attractive rocks would surround his statue of Saint Anthony and his Grotto.
What actually occurred was a clear-cutting scar from our property west of his home over the ridge and down the east side to the Pacolet River. And the motivation, as he himself has stated was to sell the timber.
Obviously, we both were deceived. Clear cutting is not selective removal of diseased trees. The money gained by selling the timber would not even make a small down payment on the landscaping plan he touts to skeptics.
To further enlighten you and the community, the Baker Family has resided on Baker Road since the early 30s. We knew all the previous owners of the subject property. Too bad you and all the community could not have seen the beautiful landscaping created by the previous owners such as Ann Morgan who enhanced the property by planting Iris, Peonies, Tulipseven magnificent Red Japanese Maple which can no longer be enjoyed due to neglect or removal.
I do believe there is a time and a place for everything. Destruction of Gods beauty merely for&bsp; financial gain and with never a hope for restoration for many years to come is not the time nor the place.
Im a realistwhats done is done. Lets now look to the future; write and implore our county commissioners to act now to pass and ordinance that will limit, by permit, the number of trees that may be wantonly destroyed. There are counties that have such ordinances. It is up to our elected officials to search, explore and receive information from other governments as to what steps to take to accomplish this vital need for the protection of all.
To paraphrase Joyce Kilmer, I think that I shall never see a statue as beautiful as a tree.
BesidesId bet Saint Anthony would have preferred the wonderful forest.
Patsy Baker