TFAC looks ahead after completing first step in major renovation plans
Published 9:47 pm Wednesday, December 30, 2009
About $1.2M raised so far toward $4M goal
The Tryon Fine Arts Center (TFAC) has successfully completed the first stage of its major renovation and expansion plan, and can now look ahead to future improvements.
TFAC says it has received about $1.2 million in gifts and pledges so far, and about 33 percent of that total was spent on the first phase. The initial phase
The organization has a goal to raise about $4 million for its overall expansion and renova
Future plans call for increasing accessibility and public space for classes, performances and exhibits. TFAC also plans to add an elevator, improved parking and a patron “drop-off” stand, among other enhancements.
TFAC says its seeking additional support through a seat naming campaign, but otherwise is waiting for the economy to improve before relaunching public fundraising and the final phase of the capital campaign. The nonoprofit organization says it does not currently have a timeline for the future phases of the expansion and renovation.
During the fundraising for the first phase, TFAC received support from an endowment by the Kirby Family, as well from monies given in memory of the original Arts Center visionary, Violet Erskine Parish-Watson.
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Duke Energy Foundation, ExxonMobil Foundation, Rotary Foundation of Tryon and the Unrestricted Fund at Polk County Community Foundation also helped lead the community in supporting the center for performing and visual arts.
TFAC says its professional venue, available for organizations and the public, has been made possible through the generosity of individuals, businesses and foundations in the area.
“Foundation support from individuals, local and national entities is so critical to sustaining the viability of organizations such as the Tryon Fine Arts Center. We are so grateful to be identified as a worthy beneficiary of their support,” said Judy Warden, co-president of TFAC.
Anyone interested in contributing to the arts center or dedicating a seat in the auditorium can call 859-8322, ext. 219.included new seating and renovations to the auditorium.tion.
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