Grant to give Polk Wellness Center a full time director
Published 3:25 pm Monday, November 9, 2009
The Polk Wellness Center has been awarded a grant in the amount of $30,000 from the Polk County Community Foundation Unrestricted Fund. These funds will be used to increase the position of the Director of the agency to full time.&bsp; The agency, which opened on March 2, 2009, realized very quickly that there is a great need for affordable medical and mental health care in Polk County.&bsp; Almost 200 people came to the Polk Wellness Center in the first two months.&bsp; Managing a busy agency requires a full time director, who will utilize her skills with the additional hours to manage a sustainable integrated health center. &bsp;
The Polk Wellness Center is an integrated care (all medical and mental health /substance abuse issues of an individual are addressed by the team of providers) center offering primary care, mental health and substance use treatment, and prevention/education in a caring environment to those who seek our services ‐ assisting clients to find health and wholeness ‐ in an atmosphere that fosters respect for our clients,&bsp; our team,&bsp; and ourselves.
The Polk Wellness Center is located at the Columbus Professional Center at 801 West Mills Street. Call 828-894-2222 for more information.