Linking schools first step in Polk County’s long-range water plan
Published 2:39 pm Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Henderson County Water Supply and Distribution Task Force is holding a meeting today at 3 p.m. at the Henderson County Courthouse to discuss water issues that affect the southern end of Henderson County, including Polk&squo;s request and Saluda&squo;s request to purchase the Tuxedo water system, which is in Henderson County.
Polk County commissioners have answered several questions lately concerning their water plan. Polk County is also currently working on a comprehensive land use plan, which includes a comprehensive water plan detailing where water lines are proposed to be run throughout the county in the future.
Commissioners say its draft plan includes running water lines up Hwy. 9 at least to Sunny View School and to connect all schools (excluding Saluda and Tryon) with water lines in order to get those schools off well water.
Sunny View and Polk Central would be connected along Hwy. 9 and lines are also planned to be run up Hwy. 108 to connect Polk middle and high schools, commissioners say (See article, page 5.)
Polk County&39;s future water system map (front page) shows a water treatment plant near Lake Adger and a future storage tank off Silver Creek Road. The draft plan also shows potential water lines for future development along Landrum Road in Green Creek and Big Level Road in Sunny View. &uot;Anticipated Core Growth Areas&uot; are shown in Sunny View along Hwy. 9, around Lake Adger, Bright&39;s Creek Development and along Coxe and Landrum roads in Green Creek. Growth areas also are shown at the intersection of Hwy. 9 and U.S. 74 and along Hwy. 108 between Tryon and the crossroads of Hwys. 9 and 108 in Mill Spring.
So far the county has focused line contruction in the southeastern corner of the scounty, near the line connecting the Inman-Campobello Water District with Broad River Water Authority.
The county has been working for several years to secure its own long-term water source. The county agreed last year to spend $1.6 million to obtain Lake Adger for future water use. The lake must be reclassified for public water use by the state.
The county initially sought the cooperation of Columbus, Saluda and Tryon to create a jointly owned and operated water authority using Lake Adger as the principal water source and the town&39;s water systems as additional resources. The towns were not willing to commit to the project at a level requested by the county. The towns since then have been working together to connect their systems.