Bridge repairs to affect access to FENCE beginning Monday

Published 2:15 pm Friday, August 28, 2009

Access to the Foothills Equestrian and Nature Center (FENCE) will be impacted by road work over the next several weeks, according to FENCE. The equestrian center says it has been notified by the N.C. Department of Transportation that repairs to the Hunting Country Road bridge in front of the center will commence on Monday, August 31 and continue for an estimated five weeks.

Hunting Country Road will be blocked off to through traffic along its entire length past FENCE, which says it was not informed of the road work until August 27.

&dquo;We&squo;re sorry for the inconvenience and wish you safe driving on your journey to us,&dquo; says FENCE.

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Anyone planning to travel to FENCE is asked to read the revised driving directions below.

Equestrian exhibitors arriving with trailers should especially note that they cannot cross the bridge in front of the Equestrian Center, and should pay special attention to the revised directions according to what areas of the equestrian center they need to access.

If you are coming to the FENCE Center or to Rosemary&squo;s Barn for TROT classes; or if you are entering the Equestrian Center through the main gate (Mane Gate Drive) to reach the main infield barns, RV parking area, or Day Trailer parking area, follow the directions below.

&bsp;If you are entering the Equestrian Center at the Kidd Barn gate or at Cockman Drive for the hilltop barns, you must approach FENCE from the Landrum, SC end of Hunting Country Road. Approaching FENCE, do not follow detour signs, but continue on Hunting Country Road through the barricades.

Remember, you cannot cross the bridge in front of the Equestrian Center.

From I-26, east or west:

Take S.C. Exit #1 from I-26, toward Landrum, S.C.&bsp; Go 1.5 miles, then turn right onto Bomar Road (look for the Land Mart on the corner). Go one short block and turn right onto Prince Road. After 1.5 miles, turn left onto Red Barn Road. Go approximately 3/4 mile to next intersection and turn left onto Columbus Road. Go approximately 1/2 mile and turn right on Greenwood Road. Follow Greenwood Road for approximately two miles, then turn right onto Blockhouse Road. Follow Blockhouse Road approximately one mile to a stop sign, and turn right onto Hunting Country Road. Follow Hunting Country Road for 3.4 miles, to the main FENCE entrance on the left. For the Equestrian Center, continue on Hunting Country Road under I-26 to Mane Gate Drive, on the right.

From Greenville or Greer on Highway 14:

At the intersection of Route 14 and Route 176 in downtown Landrum, turn left onto Route 176, toward Tryon. Go about 1.5 miles, to Greenwood Road on the right. Turn onto Greenwood Road, then turn almost immediately left onto Blockhouse Road. Follow Blockhouse Road for approximately 1.5 miles to a stop sign, and turn right onto Hunting Country Road. Follow Hunting Country Road for 3.4 miles to the main FENCE entrance on the left. For the Equestrian Center, continue on Hunting Country Road under I-26, to Mane Gate Drive on the right.C

From Tryon on Route 176:

Travel south on 176 to the South Carolina state line. Bear left onto Ridge Road (at Mimosa Carpet on your left). Cross railroad tracks and bear left onto Hunting Country Road. Continue 3.4 miles to the FENCE entrance on your left.

From Columbus on Highway 108:

Go south on Walker Street from downtown Columbus. Travel two blocks to four-way stop and turn right onto Peniel Road. Stay on Peniel Road past Tryon Estates and Morgan Chapel Village, then bear right at fork onto Golden Road. Continue 1.6 miles to stop sign at River Road, which is unpaved. Turn right, then immediately left over a steel bridge onto Morgan Chapel Road. Follow Morgan Chapel Road .7 miles to end, then turn left onto Hunting Country Road. Continue .5 miles to FENCE entrance on your left.
