PACWalk for Preservation steps off Saturday at Tryon Estates
Published 2:53 pm Friday, May 1, 2009
Tryon Estates has invited all PACWalk participants to a free lunch during the awards ceremony in the formal dining room, beginning at 11 a.m. Entry fees are tax deductible proceeds and will go toward protecting and conserving this area&squo;s natural resources. To pre-register or for more information contact PAC at 859-5060.
This will be the first year that Tryon Estates has hosted the event and the fifth year the ACTS retirement community has mounted a campaign to make the Pacolet Area Conservancy&squo;s spring fundraiser a success.
The staff and residents of Tryon Estates have raised more than $5,000 each of the past three years, &dquo;putting PACWalk over the top,&dquo; according to Bartol. &dquo;These dedicated citizens have &squo;owned&squo; conservation, and PACWalk is the event to provide the forum for that.&dquo;