Columbus approves 8-month moratorium on new, major subdivisions
Published 2:05 pm Wednesday, May 28, 2008
There won&squo;t be any major subdivisions popping up in Columbus anytime soon. Columbus Town Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to impose an 8-month moratorium on major subdivisions in order to give town officials time to strengthen and add ordinances to better manage growth. Columbus Town Council held a special meeting and public hearing Tuesday with about 75 people in attendance. During the moratorium, Columbus will be considering a new sedimentation and erosion control ordinance, a new dark sky ordinance, a new tree cutting ordinance, a new adequate facilities ordinance and reviewing portions of its subdivision ordinance, including steep slope provisions and considering adding sidewalk, curb and gutter and parks and green space requirements to its subdivision ordinance.Look for more coverage on the moratorium in Thursday&39;s Bulletin.&bsp;