One Columbus couple says Foster Creek good for town
Published 1:51 pm Monday, May 12, 2008
Although many area residents are pleading with Columbus officials to restrict developments and not annex more people into the town, one Columbus couple says they are in favor of Foster Creek Preserve, the newest proposed development that has been annexed into Columbus.
Columbus Town Council held a special meeting last Thursday and decided to schedule a public hearing to consider an eight-month moratorium on major subdivisions. About 70 people attended the meeting, but only a small minority indicated that they live within the city limits of Columbus.
Mark and Sharon Thomas were the only people from the public who spoke in favor of Foster Creek. Mark Thomas, who served on town council for a year previously, said council members are going to do the right thing. He said Foster Creek is an opportunity for Columbus and that people don&squo;t need to overreact.
&dquo;Growth is coming to Columbus,&dquo; Mark Thomas said. &dquo;It&squo;s coming to Polk County whether we like it or not and we have a great opportunity to take&bsp; this town to the next level. If we can lower the tax rate there&squo;s a benefit.&dquo;
Sharon Thomas said she would love to see Foster Creek come to Columbus. She polled the audience, asking how many of the approximately 70 people attending the meeting lived in Columbus, and about 10 people raised their hands. Sharon Thomas told the audience that most of them don&squo;t have to pay town taxes and she strongly believes that this development could improve Columbus residents&squo; quality of life.
She said council needs to think of the citizens of Columbus.
She also said this development could bring the town revenue that it needs to make the town what the people of Columbus want it to be.