Monty’s success story featured in UGA calendar
Published 11:00 pm Thursday, February 14, 2008
&bsp;The calendar highlights special success stories for the college&squo;s large animal clinic.About six years go Monty was diagnosed by Thann Booyum, D.V.M. with paralyzed bladder muscles. It is a very unusual condition for a horse, he urinates by spillover from the bladder. His human companion, Marge Warder, took him to the University of Georgia Large Animal Clinic for treatment. She says she was lucky enough to connect with Randy Eggleston, D.V.M. and for the next two years a number of procedures were tried to jump start Monty&squo;s bladder muscles. Monty was taken to UGA every 30 days for a bladder lavage (cleansing of the bladder by the infusion of saline solution) and an injection of an antibiotic directly into the bladder. None of the procedures to reactivate the bladder muscles worked.Warder was advised that maintaining Monty was going to be a regular, ongoing process. At this point, Dr. Eggleston thinks the bladder size, like a small melon, remains constant because of surrounding scar tissue and his production of salbulous material or sediment at the bottom of the bladder has decreased. Dr. Eggleston has recommended Monty&squo;s every 60-day visit be increased to every 90 days.Part of Monty&squo;s care involves yearly ultrasound of the kidneys to make sure no infection is present and also an annual cystoscopy of the bladder, to check out its condition. Initially the bladder was very inflamed; now it appears to be normal.Monty was the only horse to survive the tragic barn fire at Fox Chase Farm in 2001; six other horses and a pregnant foxhound were lost. Monty was in the only stall that had a door opening out into the pasture; the other stall doors opened into the barn, which was already enveloped in flames. The neighbor first on the scene, Scott Poteat (not a horse person), opened Monty&squo;s stall door and yelled, &uot;Come on out, Buddy.&uot;Fortunately, Monty was smart enough to come out. Usually in barn fire situations horses have to be blindfolded and led out. Monty was named Green Creek Hounds Hunt Horse of the Year for the 2005-2006 hunt season.&uot;I purchased Monty from Tot Goodwin, Joint Master of Fox Hounds and huntsman for Green Creek Hounds. I&squo;ve never regretted it for a second,&uot; says Warder. &uot;I get so many compliments on his behavior in the hunt field and I know if I point him at a jump, he&squo;s going. &uot;He&squo;s 17 years old now so I&squo;m careful about his hunting. He&squo;s been out of action for maybe two weeks with a hoof abscess in the entire eight years that I&squo;ve owned him.&uot;Warder says she&squo;s grateful for the work done by the UGA Large Animal Hospital, and veterinary technicians, Stephanie Gabriel and Martha Cagle.Copies of the veterinary college&squo;s horse calendar can be obtained by sending a donation in the form of a check, made out to the University of Georgia Large Animal Hospital, care of India Watson, 13170 New Providence Road, Alpharetta, GA 30004.