BBBS receives Polk County Community Foundation grant

Published 10:20 am Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Big Brothers Big Sisters partners with parents, teachers, counselors and others in the community to serve children facing adversity, and to determine how the BBBS programs can have the greatest impact in finding solutions to their challenges. Big Brothers Big Sisters targets the children who need help, including those living in single parent or non-traditional family homes, growing up in poverty, and/or coping with parental incarceration.

BBBS is helping disadvantaged youth stay in school, improve academic performance, avoid risky behaviors, reach toward higher aspirations and build social and life skills, all leading to improved relationships and a greater chance of success. Having the support of a mentor helps parents and guardians as well, while also benefiting schools and area communities.

Starting something big for a child begins with performing background work and finding a great match between a Big and a Little. Do you remember someone who encouraged you to believe in yourself, who encouraged you to work hard in school or to develop some “spark?” Who helped you become the person you are today?

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Most of us remember someone who “took a shine” to us, and helped guide us at some point in our lives. Those who volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters have the satisfaction of knowing their influence is being felt by the next generation, and realize they are making a difference for children in our community.

By providing funding for Big Brothers Big Sisters, the donors, volunteers and staff of the Polk County Community Foundation are joining a mission of positively impacting the lives of children, making their lives better by helping them realize their potential. Nurtured children and a strengthened community are the results.

– article submitted