Tryon United Methodist hosts introduction to Legacy of the Cross
The community is invited to learn about a new ministry that has been founded in Polk County by Michael Hamm, volunteer chaplain for the Polk County Sheriff’s Department, and Steve Collie, local businessman.
The ministry strives to reduce the number of children being raised in fatherless homes by ministering to those imprisoned. Recent studies show that 76.6 percent of released inmates are rearrested within five years, keeping their lives and the lives of their family members in distress. Legacy’s mission is to give hope and support to inmates before they are released, and a hand up after release. They are offered hope through the Word of God with scripture, testimony, music, and prayer. Legacy then offers assistance however it can to help them successfully re-enter society and reconcile with their families.
Please plan to attend on Sunday, Jan. 31 from 4 – 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Tryon United Methodist Church at 195 New Market Road, Tryon. Refreshments will be provided. You will hear the backgrounds and qualifications of those involved, current activities, the future vision of the ministry, and the many ways to provide support. A love offering will be received.
Legacy of the Cross is incorporated as a 508(c)(1)(a) faith-based non-profit organization recognized in all 50 states. The board of directors consists of Michael Hamm, president; Steve Collie, secretary/treasurer); and Jack R. Murphy.
– Submitted by Steve Collie