Chimney Rock to hold Easter morning sunrise service

Chimney Rock’s Easter Service features spectacular scenery, inspiring message and bagpipes.

Chimney Rock’s Easter Service features spectacular scenery, inspiring message and bagpipes.

On Easter morning, the public is invited to witness the sun ascend over Lake Lure at Chimney Rock’s 61st Annual Easter Sunrise Service. The service attracts more than 1,000 early risers from around the Southeast each year, with last year’s event drawing a record crowd of nearly 1,500.


The interdenominational community celebration on March 27 includes live spiritual music by local musicians, an inspirational message and — with a little help from above — a beautiful sunrise with 75-mile views.


Admission to the service, which is held rain or shine, is free to the public. The park gate will open from 5-6 a.m. for the 7 a.m. service. Guests are encouraged to come early; no one can be admitted past the gate after 6 a.m. so that everyone is able to be at the service by 7 a.m.


Sunrise service guests who present their bulletin at the ticket plaza can return to the park at no admission for the day on Sunday, March 27. The ticket plaza is open seven days a week for its regular peak season hours, which began March 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm; once you’re in the park, you can stay and enjoy the views

until 7 p.m.


“If you’re looking for powerful inspiration and a sense of community, this is it. Our annual Easter Sunrise Service is a special tradition for our guests — a memorable event for the entire family,” said Mary Jaeger-Gale, general manager at Chimney Rock at Chimney Rock State Park.


Fr. Wes Shields, pastor of The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Bat Cave N.C., will deliver the inspirational message, and Pastor David MacEachern of Bat Cave Baptist Church is coordinating the service, with participation from other area pastors. The Easter service will feature bagpipes and special live music sung by local musicians. It will air live from 7-7:30 a.m. on 1450 WHKP-AM Radio and be rebroadcast at noon for those unable to attend.


Attendees are invited to a breakfast buffet at the Old Rock Café after the service from 7-11 a.m. There is a fee for the buffet.


Limited parking is available in the top lot with additional parking on the Meadows. Shuttle buses will transport guests between the Meadows and top lot. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early, dress warmly and bring a flashlight.


-Submitted by Shannon Quinn



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