Linda List, Author at The Tryon Daily Bulletin - Page 3 of 7


Landrum Wanderings: The scarecrows are coming! The scarecrows are coming!

A few years back, one fall day, when I was just beginning to write this column, I began it with the following paragraph. With fall’s ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, October 23, 2017 3:36 pm


Landrum Wanderings: “Is it bigger than a bread box?”

If you’re an ‘old-timer’ here, you might remember driving down the Asheville Highway to Gramling and stopping at the Wingo Service Station. You could fill ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, October 9, 2017 3:39 pm

Life in Our Foothills Magazine

More than a Man’s Best Friend: “Molly to the Rescue” shares the story of a veteran’s elite service dog

Recently, author Sally Hursey sat down with Foothills Magazine writer Linda List to discuss Hursey’s recently published book that draws attention to the life of ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, October 2, 2017 2:04 pm


Landrum Wanderings: The Millstone Gallery, a Landrum gem

If you think “pictures” when you hear about a gallery, then you haven’t been to Ron Robbins’ Millstone Gallery tucked in Landrum’s Collective. Ron’s goal ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, September 11, 2017 8:33 am


Landrum Wanderings: Downtown … it is a changing!

It’s like “musical chairs” in downtown Landrum these days. One shop moves out  and another shop quickly takes its place. It might have started with ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, August 21, 2017 10:00 pm


Landrum Wanderings: Do you love antiques?

Are you an antique hound? I mean real antiques, at least 100 years old. Then take a drive to Gramling, just a mile past Campobello ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, August 7, 2017 10:00 pm


Landrum Wanderings: A summer drive to Glenn Springs

I sometimes like to escape on a sunny, summer day and take a ride to an undiscovered location. So recently I found myself thinking about ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, July 24, 2017 10:00 pm


Landrum Wanderings: I want a potting table!

I’ve been noticing my neighbor’s flowers and yard this summer when I take my morning walk. A planter display box appeared filled with colorful plants. ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, July 10, 2017 10:00 pm


Overmountain Band: Listening to the old time music

Come with me this morning. It’s Monday morning and I’m headed to Southern Manners Coffee Shop in Columbus to listen to Overmountain practice their old ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, June 26, 2017 10:00 pm


Landrum Wanderings: Not your grandmother’s library!

Landrum Library offers summer reading challenges, rewards I was at the Landrum library checking out an M.C. Beaton “Agatha Raisin” mystery, my nighttime “go to” ... Read more

by Linda List, Monday, June 12, 2017 5:32 pm

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