Take Control Program Coming to Polk County in April
Published 11:00 pm Sunday, March 3, 2019
The Polk County Cooperative Extension will be offering a free series of health classes beginning April 1. The Steps to Health Take Control program serves North Carolinians across the state and is coming to Polk County starting in April.
Take Control is an 8-session chronic disease prevention program that provides strategies to help adults manage their health. The program helps participants reach a healthy lifestyle through goal setting, planning, taking action, tracking, and reflecting. A personal tracking tool is provided for participants to use in setting a short-term SMART goal and creating a weekly step to make progress towards the short-term goal.
Each 1-hour session includes easy physical activities, goal setting, planning and tracking, guided discussion of weekly steps, opportunities for sharing and celebrations, and sampling of healthy recipes. Lessons include a handout that summarizes the primary goals from each lesson along with a featured recipe. The handout also includes the Weekly Action Plan—to support participants in developing their short-term SMART goal and weekly steps to plan, take action, track, and reflect on their weekly step. Classes begin Monday April 1 at 10:00am at the Polk County Senior Center. To register, please call Jimmi Buell at the Polk County Extension Office at 894-8218 or Donna Carson at 894-0001.
– Submitted by Kerry Jones