Saluda Historic Depot gets ready for 2019
Published 5:18 pm Wednesday, January 30, 2019
- Saluda Grade Diorama Exhibit in the Saluda Historic Depot. (Photo by Vince Verrecchio)
The Saluda Historic Depot board met in January to plan for 2019 and update the business plan. In preparation, each board member prepared accomplishments and “wish lists” to review. They are:
• Operated Depot with excellent stewardship producing a strong financial position due to our grants, corporate sponsorships, donations, memberships, golf tournament, and gift station sales.
• Added new Board Member, Dave O’Brien to the board and Bob Keeton joined as at-large member.
• Achieved another successful Annual Golf Tournament at Kenmure Country Club netting $13,000.
• Launched the Saluda Historic Depot Theatre Troupe led by Corinne Gerwe producing one successful play and one successful musical with almost 450 Saludians attending.
• Repaired and painted exterior of the building with funds received from the Henderson County Community Foundation, Polk County Appearance Committee and Polk County Community Foundation.
• Increased attendance to the Depot with over 10,000 signatures in 2018 from guests and tour groups that visited the Depot. Combining previous years’ totals of recorded signatures, approximately 25,000 guests have visited the Depot since May 2015.
• Enhanced a visitor’s experience of the Depot by holding monthly training for volunteers and board members to support operations and to teach and strengthen the knowledge of Saluda’s history and its railroad heritage.
• Hosted 10 successful Saluda Train Tales with over 60 attending each event and held a 50th Anniversary Celebration of the last passenger train, the Carolina Special that came up the Saluda Grade.
• Updated Saluda Histoic Depot brochure to include all new exhibits.
Plans for 2019 include: submitting grants to support the operations of the Depot, improve the quality of displays and artifacts received in the Depot, refinish the floors, and to plan an Open House to showcase what has become a destination to Saluda. The Depot plans to increase attendance with more tours, hours of operation, memberships, and corporate sponsorships. Ten Saluda Train Tales have already been confirmed with speakers, planning the fourth annual golf tournament and several plays for the community.
After a winter hiatus The Depot will re-open in March, Tuesday through Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. and includes seasonal exhibits, Saluda Grade “O Grade” Diorama and “G Grade” train dioramas of the different railroad eras in Saluda. There are also running videos of trains that came up the Saluda Grade and a gift shop. The Saluda Historic Depot is located at 32 W Main Street, Saluda, NC 28773. To view past Saluda Train TalesTM and more information, please visit or Facebook.
– Submitted by Cathy Jackson