Builder brings a lifetime of experience to Tryon
Published 10:37 am Tuesday, January 23, 2018
- Hammett Construction, LLC owner Steve Hammett discusses design details with Tryon architect N. Dean Trakas of Brady Trakas Architecture at Hammett’s new office on N. Trade St. in Tryon. (photo by Catherine Hunter)
TRYON – Steve Hammett grew up building houses with his father, Steve Hammett, Sr. in Spartanburg. After working for a high-end builder in Asheville for several years, Hammett decided it was time to bring his talent home to Tryon.
Hammett and his wife, Carla, have lived in Tryon for 12 years, and their 5-year-old daughter, Loie, is growing up here. Hammett opened an office on N. Trade St. in order to offer high-quality custom construction and renovation.
While working with the Asheville builder, Hammett gained experience in custom building beautiful luxury vacation homes in the mountains. He now uses that experience along with a lot of natural elements and reclaimed pieces to create what he calls an, “Appalachian reclaimed” style.
“We also offer a more traditional style homes and renovations as well,” Hammett said.
One of the unique things Hammett is bringing to his business is the blend of technology and one-on-one customer service. He uses digital technology to stay in touch with his customers, increase communication and help his customers make decisions.
“I want to build a better relationship between the builder and the client,” Hammett said, adding that he works hard to streamline the process. “I want to do things once and do it right.”
Hammett opened the office in Tryon so he could not only spend more time with his family, but to also spend more time in Tryon and connecting with the people in town. “I want to have a true customer service management style system he said.”
For more information visit M.S. Hammett Construction at 163 N. Trade St., or call 828-817-4636.