Democratic Women donate for teacher supplies

Published 3:54 pm Thursday, October 5, 2017

At the September meeting of the Polk County Democratic Women, Polk County Superintendent Aaron Greene was presented with a check for $1,320—the entire proceeds from a fundraising breakfast served by members of the club on Sept. 2.

In the last few years, state lawmakers cut funding for school supplies in half. Superintendent Greene told the group that research indicates public school teachers spend an average of $500 to $1,000 out of pocket every year to stock their classrooms.  Governor Roy Cooper, noting that the General Assembly cut the $150/teacher supply stipend from his submitted budget, encouraged North Carolina residents to donate supplies or to organize locally to help teachers in their communities.

Superintendent Greene also explained how increased efforts to fund multiple systems of education can negatively impact the availability of resources for North Carolina’s traditional public schools. Some private schools receive state education funds via vouchers. Charter schools receive student allotments from the state and public school districts in which attending students live regardless of what county or district they are located. These schools do not operate under the same regulations and constraints of traditional public schools.  For example, they choose whether to provide meals, transportation, or certain educational services, and have increased flexibility in governance, scheduling, and hiring practices.  Traditional public schools employ licensed teachers, serve the needs of all students, and are held accountable for state financial audits and academic performance. They work to afford all students a strong educational foundation in pursuit of their American dream—by working hard they can achieve their goals.

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Superintendent Greene expressed the district’s appreciation for the generous donation. He was congratulated for leading Polk County Schools once again to a second place ranking among all school systems in North Carolina.

The Polk County Democratic Women meet at 5:30 p.m. the last Monday of the month at the Democratic Headquarters, 60 Ward Street in Columbus. For information call Margaret Parker, 859-6162.

submitted by Helen Trevathan Clement