Green Creek Community Christmas Dinner
Published 10:00 pm Friday, December 23, 2016

Volunteers Kem Ketchum, Todd Arwood, Jay Turney, Grayson Edwards, Shelby Cash, Heather Cash, Gracie Edwards, Eli Kileen, Jennifer Edwards, Jake Johnson, Santa Claus, Linda Ketchum, BJ Bayne, Jessica Powell and Austin Cashwell helped prepare the Green Creek Community Christmas Dinner.
The second annual Green Creek Community Christmas Dinner was held at the Green Creek Community Center on Saturday, Dec. 17. This dinner provided a Christmas meal and a fellowship opportunity to folks in Green Creek who may not otherwise have one. The meal was free and open to all community members.
Last year, BJ Bayne saw a need for such an event in the Green Creek community and worked hard, along with volunteers and donors, to fulfill that need. Since it was such as success she decided to continue the tradition as an annual event. This year brought an even stronger community involvement and the number of meals served was doubled.
The Green Creek Fire Department roasted turkeys, various people made homemade desserts, and BJ Bayne, Heather Cash, Linda Ketchum, Ellen Turner, and Cee Cee Wellman spent most of the night before and the day of shopping for and preparing a delicious Christmas feast of turkey, dressing, ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, yams, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs and rolls. This year a little over 100 meals were served and 14 meals were delivered to people not able to attend.
A very special thank you to all volunteers, donors, Santa, and especially to BJ Bayne for making this possible!
– article submitted by Paula Childers