“The Power of Words” subject of Sunday service at Tryon UU Fellowship

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, October 13, 2016

This Sunday, Oct. 16, Reverend Michael Carter will lead the Tryon Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s service on “The Power of Words.”

Most religious traditions talk about the power of words in our lives. How many times have we wished we had a better filter for our mouths? Perhaps we have said something that could not be taken back, and we have caused ourselves and others pain. Conversely, how many times have we experienced how soothing and healing words can be?

A wise rabbi once said, “It’s not the things that go into the mouth, but the things that proceed out of the mouths, that defile us.” As UUs, and just good old-fashioned human beings, what words can we use to unite instead of to divide, to heal rather than to hurt, to invite rather than to shut out? Especially during this election season we are reminded daily of the power of words.

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The Thermal Belt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is bound by the common purpose of human betterment through the never-ending search for truth. In accordance with advancing knowledge and the growing vision of humankind, the fellowship is committed to a freedom of belief. Unified in spirit, the fellowship holds a diversity of convictions. Members believe in the importance of religious community that recognizes the worth and dignity of each human being.

TBUUF meets at 10:30 a.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month. Services are held at 835 N. Trade St. in Tryon. The fellowship welcomes all regardless of their spiritual path, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Coffee, snacks and fellowship are available after the service. For more information about the fellowship call 828-513-0570 or follow them on Facebook at TBUUF.

– article submitted by Phil Nungesser