VFW Auxiliary ceremonies Monday honor military, law enforcement

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, September 13, 2016

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Local emergency personnel, along with at least one Blue Star and Gold Star Mother were honored Monday, Sept. 12 at two ceremonies in Columbus.

Officials of Polk County Memorial VFW 9116 Auxiliary laid a wreath at the Veterans Memorial on Gibson Street, in honor of Blue Star and Gold Star Mothers, and lit a candle in honor of the prisoners of war, and servicemen and women missing in action. Polk County Honor Guard members were part of this somber ceremony.

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Officials then convened in the Columbus Town Hall to honor (in person where possible) those members of police, fire and rescue departments and the Polk County Sheriff’s Department, while proclamations honored Colette Bishop, national VFW Auxiliary president. North Carolina VFW Post 9116 Auxiliary President (also state VFW Auxiliary President) Joyce Preston conducted much of the two ceremonies.