Take the “Calendar girls” Jeopardy quiz

Published 10:00 pm Friday, April 8, 2016

So how did you do in February when you found yourself on TV’s “Jeopardy” and had to answer questions about “Once Upon a Mattress”? Was Alex Trebek cheering for you?


In its never-ending quest to enrich the lives of those in this special part of the land, the Tryon Little Theater feels it must now prepare you for when you find yourself on the London version of the famed answer/question show. Hence, here are your quiz questions from “Calendar Girls,” the play set in the UK’s Yorkshire Dales, to play the Workshop April 28-May 8.

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1) What do a piano, a bouquet of flowers, teacups, yarn, and marmalade have in common?

2) Why is Marie wearing a NASA satellite dish on her head?

3) Who needs bigger buns, and why?

4) How does George Clooney factor in all this?

5) Can you demonstrate the Tibetan yak position?

6) What has been John’s profession for 30 years?

7) Why did Lawrence have to hang around in the car park?

8) What tune does Cora use for “O Little Town of Bethlehem”?

9) What are Chris’ secrets for cake baking?

10) What are Liam’s plans for the dayglo sunflowers?


Isn’t it comforting to know that you’ll be able to answer every one of these challenging questions perfectly if you attend a performance of TLT’s “Calendar Girls,” a play which has been called “dazzlingly funny, shamelessly sentimental, and utterly captivating”?


For tickets vist www.TLTinfo.org.


-Submitted by Connie Clark