2015 AgOptions grant cycle announced

Published 11:38 pm Monday, October 13, 2014

Western North Carolina farmers now have the chance to apply for farm diversification grants two separate times in the next two years. The N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission recently funded WNC Agricultural Options through 2016, guaranteeing that WNC farmers will eligible for a total of $340,000 in small grants over the next two years.

WNC AgOptions awards farmers who are diversifying or expanding their operations $3,000 or $6,000 grants to offset the risk of trying a new venture. “A two year funding cycle is a true blessing to the WNC AgOptions program,” said Ross Young, Madison County Extension Director and WNC AgOptions steering committee leader. “Not only will the program run smoother and more efficiently, but also farmers will have the assurance of knowing grants will be available for at least through 2016.”

“The WNC AgOptions program is an excellent example of grant funds providing direct support to those who need it most,” Young continued. “Our farmers are arguably the most important people in our society. I sincerely appreciate the Commission’s interest in supporting western North Carolina agriculture.”

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The upcoming application deadline is Nov. 21. All applicants should contact their Cooperative Extension Agents by Oct. 24 to set up an appointment to discuss their projects. Applications are available at www.wncagoptions.org and at local Cooperative Extension Centers.

Potential applicants are encouraged to attend an information session at 5:30-7 p.m. on Oct. 16 at the Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River. Program leaders will offer an overview of the program, review requirements for applying and give tips for writing applications. See http://www.wncagoptions.org/2015-grant-information-session/ for more details.

Since 2004, WNC AgOptions has distributed nearly $1.8 million to farmers in western North Carolina who are diversifying or expanding their operations. Returns on initial investments are often immediate, as new income typically matches the size of the grants in the first year of the projects. Income continues to increase year after year, often doubling by the third year of the projects.

WNC AgOptions offers grants to farmers in the following counties/units: Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga and Yancey counties as well as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

The administrator of WNC AgOptions is WNC Communities, a non-profit organization that has been improving agriculture in the region since 1947. WNC Communities provides a unique forum for leaders in western North Carolina to carry out innovative programs to improve the quality of life for rural communities and to enhance the agriculture economy.

“WNC Communities is delighted to serve as administrator for WNC AgOptions,” said L.T. Ward, Vice President of WNC Commuities. “We are grateful to the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission and North Carolina legislators for their support throughout the past 11 years.”

Members of the WNC AgOptions steering committee include: representatives from N.C. Cooperative Extension, N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services–Marketing Division, WNC Communities, Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project and other leaders in agribusiness. For more information, see WNC Agricultural Options: www.wncagoptions.org .


— article submitted
by Sarah Gottfried