PCHS Women’s soccer teams help with World Vision

Published 6:00 pm Sunday, April 6, 2014

This boy holds a homemade ball. PCHS Women’s Soccer teams are raising money to help bring real soccer balls to children living in extreme poverty and share the gift of play. (Photo submitted by William Pack) See article page 13.

This boy holds a homemade ball. PCHS Women’s Soccer teams are raising money to help bring real soccer balls to children living in extreme poverty and share the gift of play. (Photo submitted by William Pack) See article page 13.

This season, the women’s JV and varsity soccer teams at Polk County High School are raising money to help pay for soccer balls for children living in poverty around the world. Soccer, by many accounts, is the most popular sport in the world but unfortunately many children have never played with a real soccer ball.
Based on statistics from World Bank, 3 billion people, half of the world’s population, live on less than $2 a day. Poverty has caused a lack of clean drinking water, food, adequate shelter, and health care.
Many children are not able to go to school because they have to walk miles everyday to fetch water or work to help support the family. Poverty has also caused a loss of hope and has prevented many kids from having fun and just being a kid. When children do have a little free time to play soccer they play with balls made out of plastic bags, banana leaves, or pieces of fabric. Through World Vision, just $16 can buy 2 soccer balls for these kids.
To help raise awareness, both teams have placed information about the need on their warm-up shirts. There will also be donation jars placed at the ticket table for each home soccer game, the front office of the high school, Southern Manners restaurant in Columbus and at Owens Pharmacy in Tryon.
Any amount is gladly accepted. Let’s help everyone experience the joy of playing soccer.

– article submitted
by William Pack

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