Have You Visited the art gallery at St. Luke’s Hospital?
Published 6:15 pm Friday, March 21, 2014
Every quarter, the walls at St. Luke’s Hospital are transformed into those that would rival any art gallery across the nation.
In case you have not had the chance to see, St. Luke’s Hospital is fortunate to display some of the most beautiful, original artwork in Polk County.
Coordinated by the Tryon Painters and Sculptors (TPS), the revolving exhibit changes approximately every four months.
The current exhibit will hang until August 2014.
What once was a small exhibit, this quarter features 127 pieces from 39 community artists.
The art exhibit has expanded from only covering the St. Luke’s back hall to now include the inpatient hallway leading to the nurse’s station and the walls of several departments and waiting rooms.
“Come see for yourself! And don’t miss the grouping of 12 Lake Lanier paintings by Ellen Delehanty done over the years she has lived on the lake – since the 70s,” said Jean Wright, organizer and artist with TPS. “It is fun to see these views of the lake hanging together.”
Walk the halls and watch how much the St Luke’s Hospital patients, staff, volunteers and visitors enjoy the art.
It is a healing presence in the halls of the hospital.
“We’re extremely pleased to provide a venue for local artists to display their talent, but we’re also hopeful that these original paintings are truly healing arts,” said Ken Shull, St. Luke’s Hospital CEO. “Not only will staff and visitors appreciate creative expressions, I know our patients have and will benefit greatly.”
– article submitted
by Jennifer Wilson

PJ Rosen and Marie King hold one of the local artist’s paintings currently on display at St. Luke’s Hospital. (photo submitted by Jennifer Wilson)