Ohhhh – the tangled messy web
Published 6:18 pm Tuesday, March 18, 2014
To the editor:
Ohhhh –the tangled messy web that has been woven around our little Saluda mountain community. So many folks trying to add more ordinances, more zoning, some getting grants to promote, some getting grants to protect, some getting grants for projects and history, some thinking Main Street is all that exists.
All with good intentions by folks who think their idea deserves first place. Sometimes competition and jealousy take over the gossip trail about who’s ideas and projects are better. But when I attended the recent Saluda City Council meeting to support our local veterans and the sign controversy, I was shocked at the attitude and the aurora around the subject.
I am of the thought that America and those who served our great country should always have our respect and priority first. The Veterans are the people that served and gave so much.
For what they gave, it makes our little sign ordinance seem so petty. In our little community of Saluda, we now have two proudly displayed signs the say we are a Playful City (all because we got grant money for them) but we can’t place a sign giving welcome and respect to our veterans.
Come on. Some of the veterans that came to the meeting are getting very slow, old and disabled. But they came out of respect to support their fellow military comrade. It was about their dedications to our country and each other.
When Mr. (Jerry) Russell had finished his statements about the sign and the small group of veterans slowly left the room, there was a brief time of applause and a standing ovation of respect for them and their service to America. Not whether the sign was in compliance, just honoring these elderly men. I was appalled and shocked to see some folks just sit in their chair and stare ahead.
No applause, no standing out of respect for these men. To me, that was just as disrespectful as not standing or placing your hand over your heart for the pledge to the American flag or not standing for the National Anthem.
I also think there are many project and people who deserve to have public recognition for their good work in our community. But none are more deserving than our American Veterans. What have we become?
So entangled in our little circle that we have forgotten those who gave us the freedom and opportunities to live in a great country and a little mountain town.
A little mountain town that gives more thought to being “politically correct” about a sign ordinance than giving exception and respect for our American veterans. This is not about a business, a project, a person or equal sign display, it is about being proud to be an American. It is so sad to say, but yes, I think, “We have forgotten.”
– Linda Whitaker,