Columbus fire department responds to area needs
Published 6:14 pm Monday, December 23, 2013

The Columbus Town Council expressed appreciation for the Christmas parade organized Dec. 18 by the Columbus Fire Department. (photo by Kiesa Kay)
The Columbus Fire Department spent 194 hours and 37 minutes responding to calls, and they also participated in 133 hours of training in November.
The greatest amount of time went to 42 emergency medical calls, which required 41 hours and 33 minutes.
Other calls included three fire alarm activations, two structure fires, 12 motor vehicle accidents, one structure fire AA, one D and C medical, and a carbon monoxide detector malfunction. The firefighters responded to three fire alarms, an aircraft standby, 11 lockouts and two brush and woods fires. They also responded to four power line down calls with no fire, three brush fires, two hazmat events and one stranded motorist.
The firefighters went to one alarm activation with no fire, and one contained cooking fire. They performed 13 acts of public service and public service actually contained more than one day in most person-hours, at 29 hours and 12 minutes.
Town councilman Ricky McAllister commended the fire department for their public service as well, saying, “The Columbus Fire Department did an outstanding job on the parade.”
The department also attained a new fire truck through grant money, Mayor Eric McIntyre stated.
“It is quite unique and very nice,” he said.