Polk County Board of Commissioners Dec. 2 meeting agenda

Published 9:51 pm Thursday, November 28, 2013

Editor’s note: Items two through seven include the call to order, invocation, pledge of allegiance, approval of minutes and agenda, and appointment of a chair and vice chair. The Bulletin will print the board of commissioners’ agendas at the editorial staff’s discretion prior to each meeting.

8. October refund request– Melissa Bowlin, tax administrator will present the request. Motion to approve.
9. Motor vehicle tax refund request– Melissa Bowlin, tax administrator will present the request. Motion to approve.
10. Audit report– fiscal year ended June 30, 2013- Kimberly Hooks, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLC will present the report. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
11. NCDOT secondary road funds update– Commissioner Gasperson asked that this item be placed on the agenda. Steve Cannon, NCDOT District Engineer, will present the update. Citizen comments.
12. DSS building update/MBP report– Commissioner Holbert asked that this item be placed on the agenda. Al Henderson and Kevin Day of construction consulting firm MBP will present the report. Citizen comments.
13. Cost estimates for school security task force recommendations– Interim county manager Pittman and school superintendent Miller will present the cost estimates. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
14. Resolution in recognition of Polk County Schools– commissioner Gasperson asked that this item be placed on the agenda. Aaron Greene, Polk County Schools Curriculum Director, will discuss the school system’s ranking. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
15. FEMA funds application– Bobby Arledge, Emergency Management Director, will discuss the application. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
16. Polk Fresh Food Hub proposal– Dawn Jordan, Interim Ag Economic Director, will give a PowerPoint presentation. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
17. Polk County Comprehensive Recreation Plan– to consider approval of the amended plan. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
18. Resolution approving Polk County’s 2012 Local Water Supply Plan– to approve the local water supply plan as required by NCGS 143-355 (1). Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
19. Internet an electronic mail acceptable use policy addition– Interim county manager Pittman will discuss the addition. Citizen comments. Motion to approve.
20. BOC meeting schedule January-June 2014- to set the regular meeting schedule through June of 2014.
21. Polk County Government 2014 Holiday Schedule – to approve the 2014 holiday schedule.
22. Budget amendment– Sandra Hughes, finance director, will present BA#2, administration, $21,000-appropriate fund balance to assist Rutherford Life for adult daycare operations not to exceed $3,500 per month for six months for a maximum of $21,000, approved and administered by the county manager. Motion to approve.
23. Manager’s report– 1) Saluda Center update. 2) Budget work session discussion.
24. Volunteer boards for review– zoning board of adjustment- 1 application, 1 alternate position.
26. Citizen comments on non-agenda items.
26. Commissioner comments.
27. Closed session– motion to go in to closed session to discuss matters relating to personnel, GS 143-318-11(a)(6), and attorney-client privilege, GS 143-318.11(a)(3).
28. Open session- motion to return to open session.
29. Adjournment– motion to adjourn.

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