Veterans Day parade organizers invite community to join in parade

Published 7:08 pm Tuesday, October 1, 2013

“Come one, come all,” says Don Lyons, chairman of the Veterans Day parade management committee.

Lyons is one of many volunteers working to make the 2013 Veterans Day parade a memorable event for not only veterans but also for everyone in the region.

“We are inviting veterans, church groups, civic clubs, businesses, military units, you name it to join the parade,” he said. “It is the time and place to tell our veterans thanks for the sacrifices they made for our country.”

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The parade will start at 9:30 a.m. on the morning of Nov. 11 and will follow a 1/2-mile route through downtown Columbus.

Following the parade will be a memorial service held at the Veterans Memorial Park. Retired Marine General James E. Livingston, a recipient of the Medal of Honor, will be the grand marshal. TV news anchor Tom Crabtree will announce the parade as it marches by the reviewing stand.

“It promises to be a spectacular showing of public support for our veterans and our armed forces,” said Frank Ortiz, another volunteer with the group. “Spectators are encouraged to bring their families, to wear their red, white and blue outfits and wave their American flags,” he said.

Veterans are encouraged to wear their medals and badges and what uniforms they may still have.

Disabled and elderly veterans may ride in the parade or sit with friends in the bleachers or chairs, which will be provided for their use.

There is no fee to join the parade. Participants must file an application to take part and make sure their appearance is dignified and patriotic.

The planners are seeking participants and spectators from throughout Polk County, other nearby western North Carolina areas and the upstate of South Carolina.

Applications to take part in the parade may be obtained by calling Bill Hillhouse at 828-859-9240 or sending him an email at Completed applications must be received no later than Oct. 25.

Additional information can be found on Facebook at “2013 Patriots Salute to Veterans Parade” or on Google using the same title.

– article submitted by Otis Livingston