“Patriot Day”
Published 11:24 am Wednesday, September 18, 2013
When American Airlines Flight #77 tore through the walls of the Pentagon, it was selfless government and civilian workers who put their lives at risk to save fellow employees and comrades.
And passengers aboard United Flight #93 showed valor beyond words when, after realizing terrorists had taken control of their aircraft and were targeting the nation’s capital with cruel intent, took action that perhaps saved thousands of lives … at cost of their own.
The truth of that day reaffirmed what we already knew; that evil will always be countered by good. That violence is not strength and compassion is not the enemy.
Through all of this, what has become evident is the rekindling of the American spirit and new awareness and deeper appreciation of what our nation stands for.
As we reflect on those whose lives were cut short as a result of the attack on America, we can take solace in knowing that their memory has served to inspire a greater enthusiasm for service. The best way for us to honor their memory is to recommit ourselves to our families, our communities and to our country. We can do this through our local community service projects.
The Columbus Post #9116 & Ladies Auxiliary are honoring all our Polk Emergency Personnel during September.
Remember we have boys and girls, men and women giving their lives overseas as we speak. We have not forgotten 9-11-01.
God bless America and our troops.
The Polk County Memorial V.F.W. Post & Ladies Auxiliary #9116 asked this to be read in all our Polk County schools. We hope everyone took a moment of silence in memory of this terrible day in our history. Do not forget to thank a fireman, EMS person, police officer or rescue squad for what they do for us.
– Joyce B. Preston, president, Polk County Memorial V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary #9116