Commissioners spar over water line tap fees
Published 7:59 pm Thursday, August 8, 2013
Holbert asked Gasperson if he was willing in 2010 to pay everyone back their 40 percent they paid for waterline extensions as he is now asking the county to pay back people who paid a $1,200 tap fee. Watson’s argument in 2010 included that the county is a tenant at the community center and shouldn’t be responsible for providing adequate utilities. Watson also argued that the then board’s decision was hasty and there was no need for an emergency because the community center had recently spent $5,000 to repair its well, money which would have paid the majority of funds needed to pay the 40 percent required match for a water line extension.
“Thirdly, is it fair and equitable to the other taxpaying citizens who have come before this board, filled out the forms, committed their personal monies, and worked hard in their communities to garner support from their neighbors to get a costly waterline extension, for this board to selectively manipulate the system by using a loophole in our newly adopted policy to allow such an exception?” Watson said in 2010. “Fourthly, when making these types of decisions, it is imperative for our board to have time to properly deliberate the costs and the consequences of such actions. Unfortunately, the last minute addition to the agenda, the false sense of urgency and the large price tag do not meet the standards of open government professed by this board.”
Resident Clay Ayers told commissioners the public detests commissioners hashing at each other. Ayers asked commissioner Pack if he remembers when the county was going to put a landfill in his backyard.
“That’s the reason you’re a commissioner,” Ayers said to Pack.
Ayers said he wants to be treated fair, that he paid $1,200 for his tap fee and he thinks everyone else should pay $1,200 and if the county wants to make the fee $700 they should give his money back. Ayers also said commissioners trash mouthing each other is sickening.
“You’re childish. Grow up and stop hackling,” Ayers said. “The county is sick of it.”