Polk district court results
Published 2:13 pm Thursday, July 18, 2013
Randy James Himes was convicted of level 5 driving while impaired. Himes was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, 24 hours of community service, a $100 fine and court costs.
Eanna Catherine Hosick was convicted of level 5 driving while impaired. Hosick was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, 24 hours of community service, a $100 fine and court costs.
Sydney Rae Kean was convicted of speeding 91 mph in a 65 mph zone. Kean was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $91 fine and court costs.
Vijay Kerai was convicted of level 5 driving while impaired. Kerai was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, 24 hours of community service, a $100 fine and court costs.
Herve William Lajoie was convicted of speeding 93 mph in a 65 mph zone. Lajoie was fined $93 and court costs.
Lee Elliott Lee was convicted of speeding 92 mph in a 65 mph zone. Lee was to pay court costs.
Lee Anthony Logan was convicted of driving after consuming under age 21. Logan was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, five days in jail, a $25 fine and court costs.
Ronald McGraw was convicted of operating a vehicle with impaired equipment. McGraw was fined $40 and court costs.
Tara Mather McInerney was convicted of level 5 driving while impaired. McInerney was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, 24 hours of community service, a $100 fine and court costs.
Patrick C. McMinn as convicted of speeding 97 mph in a 65 mph zone. McMinn was fined $97 and court costs.
Shannon Thompson Metcalf was convicted of drive left of center. Metcalf was to pay court costs.
William Edward Moore was convicted of carrying a concealed gun. Moore was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $50 fine and court costs.
Jackie Lee Owens was convicted of possession of drug paraphernalia. Owens was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $75 fine and court costs.
Hilton T. Patterson III was convicted of level 5 driving while impaired. Patterson was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, one day in jail with credit for time served, a $100 fine and court costs.
Hilton Talma Patterson was convicted of carrying a concealed gun. Patterson was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation and court costs.
Jessica Marie Perez was convicted of speeding 93 mph in a 65 mph zone. Perez was fined $93 and court costs.
Ganna Ruslano Rockett was convicted of speeding 90 mph in a 65 mph zone. Rockett was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $90 fine and court costs.
Jennifer Lea Scanlon was convicted of possession of drug paraphernalia. Scanlon was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $75 fine and court costs.
William Micha Simmons was convicted of misdemeanor larceny. Simmons was sentenced to two days in jail.
Sulkiro Song was convicted of speeding 90 mph in a 65 mph zone. Song was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $100 fine and court costs.
Andrew Clay Stockwell was convicted of level 5 driving while impaired and unsafe movement. Stockwell was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, one day in jail with credit for time served, a $100 fine and court costs.
Sherry L. Streets was convicted of speeding 90 mph in a 65 mph zone. Streets was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $90 fine and court costs.
Esteban Diego Tafoya was convicted of resisting public officer. Tafoya was sentenced to three days in jail with credit.
William Tanner was convicted of drink beer/wine while driving. Tanner was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation and court costs.
Tanya Elizabeth Thompson was convicted of possession of marijuana up to ½ ounce. Thompson was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $25 fine and court costs.
Sonya Russell Toney was convicted of second-degree trespass. Toney was sentenced to five days in jail with credit.
Allison Marie Totherow was convicted of speeding 70 mph in a 65 mph zone. Totherow was fined $20 and court costs.
Nathan Miller Trower was convicted of speeding 91 mph in a 65 mph zone. Trower was fined $91 and court costs.
Byron Shane Ward was convicted of driving while license revoked. Ward was sentenced to 60 days in jail with five days credit.
Todd Andrew Yoder was convicted of speeding 59 mph in a 45 mph zone. Yoder was fined $75 and court costs.