Local authors, sisters speak on dealing with addiction
Published 9:08 am Monday, February 11, 2013
“When our second brother became ill several years ago, we realized that not much had changed for families in the 30 years we had been coping with addiction,” said Brand. “We also realized that we had learned a lot along the way about how best to help ourselves and the addict or alcoholic.”
Powell adds, “We want people to see that they can take their lives and their families back from the chaos that having addiction in the family brings. There is a way to return to living well.”
Though Powell and Brand describe themselves as “works in progress,” both today are productive and happy. Powell, who was the first woman president of the Henderson County Chamber of Commerce, owns a successful business-consulting firm, MotionFirst, in Asheville. And Brand, who has edited Hendersonville Magazine for 15 years, is also a freelance writer specializing in technical subjects.
Immaculate Conception Church is located at 208 Seventh Avenue West in Hendersonville. For more information on the event, visit www.immaculateconceptionchurch.com. For more information on The Real Dope On Dealing With An Addict, visit www.dealingwithanaddict.com.
– article submitted