Green Blades Garden Club meeting at TFAC Jan. 10
Published 7:03 pm Tuesday, January 8, 2013
As a chilly 2013 begins, the Green Blades Garden club is thinking of wildflowers. The Tryon Fine Arts Center (TFAC) will be the location of the Jan. 10 meeting.
Beginning at 1:30 p.m., hostesses Helen Gilbert, Susie Hursey and Libby Rourk will welcome members for snacks followed by a guest speaker.
This month Ken Weitzen will discuss wildflower photography. Weitzen lives in Hendersonville and specializes in photographing native wildflowers. Some of Weitzen’s favorite photography locations are the Norman Wilder Forest and the Green River game lands. Weitzen has been a long time supporter of local environmental and conservation efforts, including voluteering with the Pacolet Area Conservancy (PAC).
Even though our native wildflowers are safely “tucked in” for the winter, members will enjoy pictures of these lovely beauties that grow in our area.
– article submitted by Judy Brubaker