Early College partners with FHS

Published 9:16 am Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Boxes of canned and boxed food collected for FHS by Early College students. (photo submitted)

Kathy Toomey, FHS board member, recently picked up three boxes of overflowing goods for the cats and dogs under the care of Foothills Humane Society.
“The effort of these students is overwhelming,” Toomey said. “They chose to focus on our charitable organization, and they can be sure that all the work they did will directly benefit the animals.”

The boxes of pet supplies were also accompanied by a monetary donation. Newton, a freshman in the program, led the project. Newton’s love of animals began at an early age.

“Stray animals seem to appear on my family farm and the lack of responsibility of pet owners is disturbing,” Newton said. “I am concerned for the health and safety of all animals and want to dedicate my spare time to improving their quality of life.”

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– article submitted by Joyce L. Cox