Administrator of McCune Center speaks to Columbus Lions
Published 10:18 am Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The McCune Center is somewhat unusual in that there are no geographical limits from which the residents must come and there is no limit on the number of Medicaid supported residents (usually 80 percent). Approximately 25 percent of the residents are blind and more than10 percent are veterans. The Columbus Club is proud to support the McCune Center through visits and gifts as well as a yearly donation through Western NC Lions. Most recently they purchased a TV for the facility.
Helping people with vision and hearing impairments is a primary mission of the Columbus Lions. In addition, Lions Clubs International is engaged in a campaign to eliminate all avoidable blindness worldwide. If you would like to learn more about being a Lion and what Lions do in our community, call Helen Trevathan, 828-894-7062. The Columbus Lions meet on the first and third Thursdays at Calvert’s Kitchen in Columbus. Visitors are welcome.
– article submitted