Thermal Belt Habitat for Humanity thank you dinner

Published 8:56 am Thursday, October 25, 2012

Shirly Jackson, Jim Jackson and Bob Montgomery. (photos submitted)

Thermal Belt Habitat for Humanity held a thank you dinner reception recently for all its volunteers and workers. The Founding Fathers were also honored, recognizing that the chapter founded in 1983 and one of the first in the United States, was begun under the leadership of Franklin C. Basler, president; Thomas A. Beaver, vice president; George Eriksen, vice president; Edward Delehanty, treasurer and Dorothy Beaver. The idea of a habitat chapter began with members of the Congregational Church of Chirst and the Tryon Rotary Club.
All of the volunterrs were announced and given gifts in appreciation for all of their years of service and special recognition was given to Chuck Davis and Byron Brewer for more than 20 years of dedication to Habitat.

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