Wolverines A-team wins Cal Ripken 7-8 year old tourney
Published 4:07 pm Monday, April 9, 2012
The Polk County Wolverines A-team won the Cal Ripken pre-season tournament championship held last week in the 7-8 year old baseball division. The team won four games against Inman Orange, Polk County B-team, Inman Navy and Holly Springs Green to win the championship. Team members include Cole “Hollywood” Pereira, Ben “Big Ben” Korzelius, Even “Heavy” Jones, Chan Barber, Bradley Marcello, Hohn “HR” Biggers, Grayson “G-Money” Smith, James “Flame” Biggers, Alton Kelly, Devonte “TayTay” Forney and O’Neal Price. Coaches are Anthony Pereira, Joe Korzelius and Charles Forney. (photo submitted)