UDO mistake
Published 4:56 pm Tuesday, January 24, 2012
To the Editor:
On Jan. 17, 2012, the UDO committee, of which I am a member, voted 9-2 to move forward with a table of uses for the Multiple Use areas of Polk County that is extremely more restricted than is currently on the books.
I voted opposed to this motion. At the present time, especially as difficult economic times continue with seemingly no end in sight, it would be, in my opinion, very unwise to greatly reduce new businesses that may locate in this large expanse of our county.
I am also a very strong supporter of Home Occupation, Class II being allowed in the Multiple Use Zoned areas of the county. I believe now is the time for Polk County to be much more home business friendly.
Currently, excluding agriculture, only 25 percent of the heated living space of a single-family residence may be used for a home-based business. This new category would greatly expand the square footage that would be permitted to accommodate new home-based businesses.
If approved by the board of commissioners, basements and garages would be allowed for business use and, depending on the size of the families’ acreage, accessory buildings from 2,500 to 8,000-plus square feet would also be allowed for business use.
It’s important to note, “no equipment or process shall be used in these businesses which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical interference that is a nuisance off the lot.”
Finally, I wish to thank my fellow UDO members who have worked hard on this land use ordinance over the past several months. I also thank the large number of citizens who have attended our meetings.
I want to assure the many concerned citizens who have contacted me and live in the Multiple Use Zoned areas that I, as a member of this committee and as a member of the Polk County Board of Commissioners, will only support a table of uses for the Multiple Use zoned parts of our county that closely mirrors the current table of uses with the inclusion of Home Occupation, Class II.
As always, I welcome citizens who wish to contact me directly. My e-mail is: ray4polk@yahoo.com or mobile phone is 828-230-1278.
– Ray Gasperson,
Green Creek Township