Polk looks to fill spots on 10 volunteer boards
Published 12:17 pm Wednesday, December 14, 2011
New webpage includes applications/information
Polk County residents looking to give of their time and talents may want to consider volunteering for a county advisory board.
Polk officials recently created a new webpage on the county’s main website to make applying for volunteer boards more convenient. There is also a list of available vacancies, as well as a complete list of the county’s volunteer boards. Users can click on a particular board to find out its purpose and other details, such as meeting schedules and a person to contact.
To access the page, visit http://www.polknc.org/VolunteerBoardPage.php.
Polk County has a total of 33 volunteer boards ranging from aging, appearance, farming, library, recreation and recycling to economic development, planning, zoning, juvenile crime, social services and mental health boards.
There are currently 10 boards with vacancies, including the appearance commission, home and community care block grant, library board of trustees, juvenile crime prevention council, mental health advisory board, nursing home community committee, recycling advisory board, Sunny View fire district tax commission, transportation advisory board and the zoning board of adjustment.
“Each year, dedicated citizens across Polk County come together on volunteer boards to address matters of interest to our area, and to represent the voice of the people to our county commissioners,” states the county’s webpage. “The boards focus on a wide range of issues affecting how we live, work and play together–from animal cruelty and economic development to planning and zoning. Polk County Government invites you to bring your heart and hands to serve our community by becoming a member of one or more boards.”
The Polk County Board of Commissioners appoints members to each board during regular meetings.
Want to volunteer?
Volunteers are needed to fill the following vacancies:
Appearance Commission – 2 regular vacancies
Home & Community Care Block Grant – 1 regular vacancy
Library Board of Trustees – 3 regular vacancies
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council – 1 regular vacancy
Mental Health Advisory Board – 3 regular vacancies
Nursing Home Community Committee – 2 regular vacancies
Recycling Advisory Board – 2 regular vacancies
Sunny View Fire District Tax Commission – 1 regular vacancy
Transportation Advisory Board – 1 regular vacancy
Zoning Board of Adjustment – 3 alternate vacancies