Make a plan to manage holiday weight gain this year

Published 3:42 pm Wednesday, December 14, 2011

As the holiday season approaches, many begin to worry about fitting into their favorite jeans once January rolls around.
Many of us gain between 1 to 5 pounds each holiday season. Although those are small gains, most people who gain weight during the holidays never manage to return to their pre-holiday weight.
This year, don’t let holiday weight gain weigh you down! By implementing a few healthy strategies into your daily routine you can stay on a healthier track.
1. Move more – For the best health, adults need at least 30-60 minutes of exercise a day. How you get those minutes is up to you! Do something you enjoy. Be active with friends for extra fun and support. Don’t let exercise go on vacation.
2. Look at the holiday as a day, not a week or a month. Splurge on just one day.
3. Make a plan. If you’re going to have a big dinner, eat a lighter lunch. Fill you plate once at the buffet or office party and don’t go back for seconds. Make a choice about what food you want, and eat slowly and mindfully. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to eat it.
4. Moderation – Remind yourself holiday season is not your last chance to ever eat.  Don’t avoid your favorite high-calorie foods altogether – that can cause feelings of deprivation and can lead to binge eating. Fill up first on healthier, lighter choices, and then enjoy small portions of your “splurge” foods. Eat until you feel satisfied not “stuffed’”
5. Never attend a party or get-together on an empty stomach. Make sure to grab a healthy snack or meal at home before the chaos begins.
6. Make a pact with yourself not to. Seriously! If you decide to “let yourself go,” then you will. If you resolve to stay on track with mostly healthy eating and exercise, an occasional party or treat will not totally derail your efforts. Try it, it really works.
7. If you don’t love it, don’t eat it. How often do you take a bite of food and it’s not that good but you eat it anyway? What wasted calories.
8. Remember what the holidays are all about. Focus less on the food and drinks and more on celebrating the beauty of the season and the company of the people you love. Give yourself the gift of health over the holiday season by sticking with your fitness routine and planning ahead to curb excessive overeating. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
9. Get enough rest and hydration. Sometimes it’s not food we crave, it’s lack of sleep and dehydration.  Before grabbing that snack drink some water. If the hunger feeling goes away, then you were dehydrated.
It’s a challenge for people to stay on track this time of year, but if you make a plan and stick with it January will be a kinder, gentler month.
For more tips for stay healthy visit the Eat Smart, Move More NC website at
– Jimmi Buell

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