Local Knights of Columbus Council receives international recognition
Published 3:51 pm Friday, November 25, 2011

John Flynn, Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus council #9492, St John of Tryon (right), accepts the Father McGivney Award from Tom Greeley, regional district deputy, Knights of Columbus district #17 (left) for increasing membership in the council by 150 percent for the 2010-2011 fraternal year. (photo submitted by Michael Valenzano)
Knights of Columbus Council #9492, St. John of Tryon, located at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Tryon, is a Father McGivney Award winner. Named after the organization’s founder, Father Michael J. McGivney, the award is given in recognition of outstanding membership recruitment and retention efforts during the 2010-2011 fraternal year.
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, president of the international organization, in recognizing the local winner, said, “Please accept my sincere congratulations on attaining this prestigious award. The dedication of the order shown by your council is seen in the high standard of excellence you have achieved. At the same time, I encourage you to carry forward this enthusiasm to meet the challenges that will face the Knights of Columbus in the years ahead. May this award be a reminder and an inspiration to the members of your council to continue to promote the ideals of Columbianism for the good of the church, your community and the order.”
In accepting the award, Grand Knight Flynn, head of the local council, said “receiving this award is quite an honor. We’re very pleased with this accomplishment.”
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic lay organization. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people.
With more than 1.8 million members in more than 14,000 councils around the world, the Knights of Columbus annually donates more than $154 million and 70 million hours of service to charitable causes. Please visit www.kofc.org for more information.
– article submitted