Patriot Day 2011
Published 10:29 am Friday, September 9, 2011
To the Editor:
Sept. 11 is Patriot Day. And, though a somber feeling fills the air on this national day of remembrance, we cannot mourn the deaths of the Americans who perished at the hands of terrorists, without celebrating their lives.
A patriot is described as a person who loves, supports and defends his or her country and its interest with devotion.
On Sept. 11, 2001, each and every freedom-loving American rediscovered their devotion to country as the world watched in disbelief as the chaos unfolded from the skyline of New York and Somerset County, Pa.… to the symbol of our nation’s military strength… the Pentagon.
There is no doubt the memory of the 2,998 Americans that perished as a result of the attacks on that fateful day will remain etched in our minds.
From the horrific events of that day, we stood significantly as a people and as a nation, refusing to succumb to fear or despair. It truly became one of America’s “finest hours.”
Just as the images and stories of sorrow and fear have left their indelible mark in our lives, the heroic acts of that day remain just as enduring.
As rescue personnel and citizens alike banded together – in some cases sacrificing their own lives to help strangers – it became clear this tragic event would only strengthen our love for America and our respect for the principles upon which this great country was founded.
In the wake of the savage attacks, our flag, our nation, stood tall.
Backed by a new generation of service members who stood ready to answer the call of duty, America’s sense of spirit and patriotism was reborn.
For 10 years now, the men and women who so gallantly put their lives on hold to answer that call have helped to better secure us from such vicious and cowardly attacks. They’ve liberated a country from the clenches of tyranny. They’ve interrupted a stronghold for breeding future extremists and empowered governments and trained militaries so that they may sufficiently govern and defend themselves against evil and intolerant bigots.
We have and will continue to face challenges from those who disagree with our way of life, not just here at home, but all over the world.
But, we vowed that from Sept. 11, 2001 forward, we would act to ensure that forces of ignorance and evil never prevail and that we will unite against anyone who chooses to threaten our freedom, and we will stand unified and defiantly proud in the face of our enemies.
Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.” In retrospect, we can now take solace in knowing that the lives lost Sept. 11, 2001, ultimately served to strengthen our resolve, sense of purpose and vision for the future.
It is our duty to continue to hold true to the heroic efforts and sacrifices that took place on that tragic day, and to work diligently for the advancement of freedom worldwide.
Fellow patriots… let us vow to recommit ourselves to our families, our communities and to our country. For generations, America has served as a beacon of peace and light to the world. We need to continue to be that source. That is the best way to honor the memory and the deeds of Sept. 11.
God bless you, God bless America and God bless our troops!
– H. Scott Camp
Commander, Polk County Memorial VFW Post #9116 – Columbus