‘No Rulers Required,’ a perspective workshop

Published 9:21 am Friday, August 26, 2011

Ever wonder how to make the building stand upright, or the chair sit properly on the floor?
Join this one/two day workshop to learn some basics regarding concepts of perspective. This is a big picture presentation, how to guess the perspective.
A popular college instructor and designer in Atlanta, Christopher Sherry is returning for another workshop at the new TPS studios on Maple Street in Tryon. Sherry is a previous architect turned fine artist.
Very few materials are needed to take this class and those who have never taken an art class will benefit from the exercises learned in this class.
This workshop runs Friday, Sept. 23 and Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. each day. Students may enroll in the one-day session (Friday) or advanced session (Saturday) or both days.
For more information and to register, contact Christine Mariotti, workshop coordinator at cmariotti@windstream.net or 828-859-8392.
– article submitted by Christine Mariotti

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