TDDA holds first Downtown Update Coffee Hour

Published 10:26 am Monday, June 27, 2011

The Tryon Downtown Development Association held the first of a series of gatherings designed to keep the citizens and business community up to date on TDDA projects. Tryon Fine Arts Center hosted the meeting on June 14 in the Mahler Room.

Local business owners and representatives from other non-profit groups attended and heard about some of the activities of TDDA.

TDDA President Crys Armbrust reported that the town is in the process of getting approval to be on the study list for the N.C. State Historic Preservation Organization. If the town successfully gains designation as an historic district, it would enable building owners and developers to receive tax credits to assist with revitalization projects.

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An important responsibility of TDDA is the promotion of downtown Tryon as a place to live, work, shop, dine and enjoy the town’s arts offerings, TDDA officials said. TDDA plans to hold a workshop in the fall in which all the organizations that actively promote the area will come together to form a promotion master plan to get the most out of everyone’s promotion and advertising dollars.

“Coordinated efforts are critical to the success of all our endeavors,” said Armbrust.

TDDA’s recent Palmer Street Design Charrette was reviewed, too. Three teams of citizens, led by local architects, put their creative minds together to develop concepts for the development and improvement of Palmer and Howard Streets. A summary of this work was presented at the June Tryon Town Council meeting.

The TDDA Coffee Hour will be hosted by a different business or organization each month. The gathering is open to anyone who is interested in downtown Tryon. More information about TDDA and membership may be found at or by calling 828-859-6484.

– article submitted by Wanda May