WCCR presents “The Real King’s Speech”

Published 7:32 pm Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Western Carolina Classic Radio Club (WCCR) will meet on Monday, May 16 at 2 p.m. in studio 118 on the ICC Polk campus.

The first audio program will be a rare CBC tape with King George VI giving a brief speech ending their trip from Canada and the U.S. and a very brief BBC speech announcing the end of WWII. These speeches give the audience a chance to hear the real “King’s Speech.”

Professor Hoyt will keep the audience guessing with his trivia quiz during intermission.

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The radio/TV presentation will be “The Life of Riley,” “Babs’ School Election,” where Riley goes to Honest Ed Feeney for help in getting Babs elected class president. The former garbage commissioner issues orders to stuff the ballot box. “The Life of Riley” aired on radio in 1941. There was a three-year break, and the program resumed from 1944 to 1951.

The Spring Jazz Series features selections from one of Pete Fountain’s three gold albums, “The Blues.”

Everyone is welcome. The event is free.

– article submitted by Bob Reynolds