TBOM, ag center hold work day April 11 for community garden
Published 3:26 pm Thursday, April 7, 2011
Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry (TBOM) and the Mill Spring Agricultural Center are sponsoring a community garden on TBOM property for a limited number of interested people. The groups ask for the public’s help in creating as many spaces as possible.
On Monday, April 11 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., the groups will hold a work day to construct raised garden beds and they invite the public to come help. The rain date will be Monday, April 18.
“A famous farmer, Aldo Leopold, once noted that the danger of a society losing its bearings comes from the grocery store,” organizers said, admitting that they are “shamelessly paraphrasing.” “The point being that in prosperous times communities will often forget to tell the next generation how to survive and that generation will not know important skills later on when they may need them. Community gardening is a way for people to strengthen bonds with neighbors, supplement food budgets, providing recreation for individuals and families and pass on knowledge and skills that might otherwise be lost.”
The following is needed for the beds: lumber (8 feet long, 1x12s are best, but other boards at least 8 feet long are welcome), 4×4 corner pieces, nails, hammers, fertilizer, seeds, tomato stakes/cages and gardening tools.
RSVP to Cinda Austin at CAu4324709@aol.com or Kacy Spooner at polkamericorps@gmail.com . Let them know whether you are able to bring any of the listed items.